The Dental Marketing System Proven To Get High Paying Dental Patients & Explode Your Revenue In 30 Days!

As one of Florida’s premier Dental Marketing Agencies, we have the technical know-how to promote and grow your dental practice to surpass all your expectations.

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Our Specialist Services For Dental Clinics Include:

Invisalign Start Accelerator

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Dental Implant Accelerator

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Smile Transformation Accelerator

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Sleep Apnea Dental Consultations

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Paid Advertising

We specialize in using paid advertising to boost your business across Google, Facebook, Instagram, AND Tik Tok based on your services and geographical reach. 

Designed for maximum effectiveness at the lowest budget, these advertising campaigns work on the PPC model, wherein you are charged only when a potential patient clicks on your ad. 

To know more about how paid advertising works, click here.


A well-designed, streamlined scheduling process helps maximize the time you spend on patient care and attend to the maximum number of patients within your existing bandwidth.

We help automate the entire patient scheduling process from when the customer visits your website to post-appointment feedback. 

Reputation Management

As customers get more net-savvy, they increasingly refer to the internet for reviews and feedback on businesses they are interested in, such as your dental clinic. 

We work with your patients to share their genuine and positive reviews so that patients considering your service are aware of you and your best practices, AUTOMATICALLY! 

Our Online Reputation Management (ORM) teams can also respond to customer queries and comments in real-time for faster conversion.

Website Design

A website is the first point of contact between you and your patients, so make sure that it creates a lasting impression on them. 

A well-designed, interactive website goes a long way in making patients feel comfortable about you and entrusting you with their dental needs. It needs to convey warmth, while at the same time showcasing your professional skills and accreditations. 

To know more about myDentalConnect’s skills in creating engaging, mobile-friendly websites.

Dental Connect University

In today’s times, connecting with a patient and getting them to show up for their appointments is becoming a Herculean task. Moreover, the task is getting increasingly complex, with competitive clinics increasing their online presence to acquire patients. 

In such scenarios, your dental staff needs to be better equipped and trained for growing your practice. 

That is where the Dental Connect University can play a significant role.

An initiative of myDentalConnect, the Dental Connect University is designed to train your team through the entire process, from getting patients to schedule appointments to showing up and signing up for dental care plans with you. 

Our comprehensive training covers

Treatment Acceptance

Patient Retention


Treatment Planning

Increasing Dollar Per Patient

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Practice Advocacy

Creating awareness about the services you offer and marketing positive patient interactions is essential to increase the confidence and trust potential patients have in your team.

We work side-by-side with you to create informative and meaningful content that can be distributed across various platforms to showcase your skills and expertise. It also helps build your engagement ratio with potential patients while improving your visibility across social media platforms. 

Content that we create on your behalf ranges from spotlights on various high ticket treatments, infographics, patient testimonials. and blogs on oral care related topics. 

To know more about our content creation process and how we can create meaningful and engaging content for you, click here.

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What Differentiates myDentalConnect From Other Solutions?

When you sign-up with myDentalConnect, you don’t work with just another marketing agency to get “leads”.  What you get instead is a practice partner that has substantial experience in dental marketing. We provide end-to-end support to ensure ad spend results in patients showing up to your practice and moving forward with treatment.

 A teammate that has transformed dental marketing into a well-defined art and an effective tool for dental practices to win more patients! 

Dentist Testimonials

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